
Sandblástursbyssa með 4 keramikspíssum
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Sandblásturskassi SB-112


Stærri gerðin af sandblásturskassa á borð.

Frá 180 l/m.

Með led ljósi, hönskum, byssu, 5 stk hlífðar filmur fyrir gler og 4 spíssar 4-5-6-7 mm.

Innra mál: 74 x 49 x 43 cm.

Ytra mál: 76,5 x 52 x 70 cm.


The Sandblasting Cabinet SB-112 is a large tabel model. You load and unload the cabinet by the top opening.
Recommended grit: glassbeads or light grit.
Air consumption : from 180 lit/min.
• Trigger gun
• 4 ceramic nozzles of different sizes 4-5-6-7 mm
• 5 Lens Protectors
• Gloves
• LED lighting
• Work area : 74 x 49 x 43 cm
• Outside dimensions : 76,5 x 52 x 70 cm
• Weight : 28 kg